Learn About Dave Deschaine Roofing

New Roof In Maine

New Roof In Maine – What’s Included?

Having a new roof installed in Maine is as easy as calling David Deschaine. You know the name and you seen our trucks all over town if you're a local resident, and if you're from out of state give us a call and we can talk about having a new roof installed in your home or vacation property in southern ME.

 What's Included In A Roof Replacement?


We also do all types of roof repairs, we install rolled roofing materials on porch roofs, architectural roofing shingles to steep pitched roofs and we also offer roof shoveling services to help again's water damage caused by ice dams.

maine-architectural-roofingArchitectural Roofing Products

We have completed thousands of roofs all over the southern part of the state and we have a great reputation for getting the job done quickly, but most importantly on the highest quality workmanship on all the new rules we install.


Roof Ventilation Is Required!

If you're interested in finding out what it will cost to have a your old roof replaced with a brand-new wife time roofing product, just give us a call today or fill out the Free Estimate form here on the website and we look forward to working with you.

bbblogoSteps For Getting A Roofing Estimate:

1). The first step is to ask or find two or three reputable roofing contractors. This can get done online through the Better Business Bureau.

2). The second step is to set aside three or four hours to meet with these two or three contractors.

3). The third step is to meet with each one of these contractors individually, do not just go buy a lowest price bid in your inbox or mailbox.

4). The fourth step is to look over the bed, call the insurance companies to make sure that they have workers comp and liability insurance because this protection you if anything goes wrong.

5). The fifth step is to look over all the products to verify that all the bids are equally presented.

6). The six step is to make your final decision, and contact the winning roofer and let him know that he has earned your business.

7). The seven step is to contact the other roofing contractors that came out to bid on the job, and let them know that you've decided to go with someone else.

8). The eight step is to have a meeting with the roofing contractor you've selected and go over all the information one more time to verify that everything is accurate, and get a start date and you probably will have to put initial deposit down for the materials.

Well good luck with your new roof installation, and I hope that David Deschaine roofing and siding is going to be the roofing contractor you choose to have your new roof installed.